Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hey Bloggies-
Hoping that everything is going well in your parts! I am on half of Cloud 9. I say half because while I am trying to not dwell on the fact that Pauls leave is quickly ending it is very hard...

Paul got in on the 12th at around 7:30 am but he was unable to make it from Atlanta because of the impending winter storm which had all flights from Atlanta grounded. The next opportunity for him to fly in would be on the 13th at nearly 6:00 pm. I was crushed but after looking at the weather forecast decided to go on down to Atlanta and get him! I made it well before the weather but on the way home we had to stop for the night which was also just fine!

I showed up at the airport not looking the way I had wanted to after not seeing him for seven months but he could have cared less if I was in a sack. It was such a nice little reunion there in the lobby of one of the busiest airports in the country. He picked me up and spun me around. I am so glad I am smaller now as there really is nothing quite as nice as being able to be picked up by your guy.

When we left the airport we stopped and got some food since we knew we werent going to make it home then we checked into the Holiday Inn. I am fast forwarding to the next day seeing as how you can guess the hotel stuff...

On Saturday the drive home was not bad. The roads were fine and we made it home pretty fast. We spent the day relaxing, cuddling and more. Paul also used this day to get the dogs used to him again. Riley was very apprehensive at first. Molly was just Molly. She loves anyone who will pet her.

Sunday we packed for our trip to Gatlinburg and we also went to church. I cant tell you how nice it was that I had Paul next to me in the pew. I miss him so much all the time but it seems to be so much harder on Sundays...

Gatlinburg was so amazing. We had such a good time doing all the touristy things and we also shopped in some really unique places. We ate out a lot and I didnt pay close attention to it. I figure that I can relax some on vacation. I also know that he is going back in a couple weeks so I am not going to spend my time with him obsessing about food. We soaked in the hot tub with wine each night. So nice. The temps were in the teens but it was so great in the hot water. I loved it and have decided a hot tub beats pool any time. We were able to be a couple again and while Paul and I are by no means not connected we were able to fit right back into the comfortable couple we are when he isnt deployed. None of the weirdness so many others experience.

When we got home from our week in TN Paul told me he just wanted to do normal stuff like order pizza, rent movies, go bowling, walk the dogs, go to the gym... So, that is what we have been doing the last couple of days. Tomorrow we are going to dinner with our Pastor and his wife and then on Friday I am making us a modified Thanksgiving/ Christmas dinner since he didnt have a good one in Iraq. I couldnt find a small turkey or even a turkey breast so we are doing Cornish hens. We are also going to have buttered noodles, whole wheat of course and some green beans. I bought a can of Grands biscuits since I know he likes them. We arent preparing a dessert though. We are going to go out for a pastry and coffee at Starbucks so that I dont have to have that stuff in the house after he leaves on the 1st. Saturday we are going to go to crossfit, then if the weather is nice up to hike Raven Rock, cook on the grill and bowling in the evening. If we have bad weather the hike is off. We can always rent a movie or play Wii. Sunday is church, preparing his bags and then just spending that last night enjoying each others company. Le sigh:(

Well, thats it for now. Later I will post pics and then update after he goes back. I got some goals I want to put out publically...

Take care and be back soon!

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