Friday, January 22, 2010

I gotta feeling

that this is it for me! I think I may have hit the jackpot on what works for me as far as losing/keeping off weight. What is this magical trick you ask? Well, its counting calories and keeping fat down to a reasonable level. It works well with WW but I found that if I count points I am starving. Lets face it, on 20 points I am not getting enough food. So, I went back to Core which I love love love but I was not really losing since I have what I like to call portion distortion. Actually I think this is a WW term. Anyhow, I started weighing and measuring things like meats and grains again and have seen the scale budge. I upped my veggies quite a bit and I also looked up how many calories I should be taking in to LOSE weight with my activity level and age. Its right around 1500. Now, to compare this to points I got out an old food journal where I was given 21 points and I looked up all the calories for three days. Whoa, I was eating a measly 1000 calories per day or thereabout. Now, of course this is going to cause me to lose initially which it did but what happened later when I hit goal and was able to supposedly raise my calories to maintain my weight was that I gained and then I held on to every single pound. This is not a good thing to severly deprive yourself of calories. So, I now have been trying to get in 1400/1500 calories of clean food a day. I feel lighter and people are noticing. I havent weighed in yet but on Tuesday I will see if the last two weeks have rewarded me with my new behavior. The 130's are within my reach if I can stay true to doing what I know is right.

The last two crossfits have been so hard. I was smoked each time. I loved it. I missed John so much though. Its strange that he isnt there. Ali is so great though. She is a good trainer and she too cares about seeing you succeed so I think it is just going to come down to being used to the Tuesdays and Thursdays NOT being JV's groups. I think about John a lot. I thought about him at the grocery store the other day when I was going to buy Captain Crunch. LOL. He hated the fact that I love cold cereal. IN the end, I didnt buy it.

Paul should begin his journey home for R&R in about 2 weeks. I miss him so much. This deployment has been the worst separation we have ever had for me. He is ready for the break too. He has been discouraged a bit and so hopefully when he comes home and gets recharged he can go back and take on the second half of the deployment with a fresh attitude so that it isnt so grinding for him.

Hopefully in the fall he will finally be promoted. I dont want to go into this right now because the army has totally pissed me off on this delay. Acutally, it isnt the Army's fault, its his units fault. Specifically his S1 but what do they care since it isnt their job. At least his SCO and CSM were really working hard to ensure that he got promoted or I would have been even more pissed off.

well, I suppose thats it in a nutshell for now. I am taking it easy today. Maybe I will stay in jammies all day or maybe I will head to the outlet mall in Smithfield... I dont know yet.

Updates come again on weigh in day! TTFN

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