Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hello Bloggies,

Hope all is well with you. As for me, I am doing wonderfully. I have really enjoyed being with my family and I get a little shoulda coulda when I think about the fact that I could have come here for the deployments. I would have had the support system of my family and that would have been so awesome. I know that when I was sad on Saturdays because I was missing Paul or on Sundays after church I would have had somewhere to go. But, since we bought the house it would not have been possible because although my folks would have never had a problem with me staying with them I would never have done that. Also, I would have really missed my friends and especially those crazy friends from crossfit. These ladies have become my family and I love them. When I am sick they bring me soup and 7up, they come visit me when they dont hear from me or I sound off, they have invited me to hang out and they have shared so many meals with me and they have cried with me over my stresses and heartbreak. My gym family is honestly closer to me than my Church 'family'. Speaking of church, I am still in prayer over the situation and do not think I will come to a final decision until after I get back. I think I am hanging out at the beach this weekend and will come to a decision then. I know where I am leaning... the only reason I have so much trepidation is because of my kids. I love those kids in the class and I would miss them but I also have to do what the Spirit leads me to do and so we'll see.

Now, the concert was so awesome!! It began at 7:00 with Leanne Womack and Reba was in the middle followed by the King!!! George Strait was so good and I loved Reba. The concert wasnt over until 12:30. Missy, mom and me had so much fun. We stopped on the way to see Lori in the rehab hospital. She is doing so well. She is beginning to have some MOVEMENT!! The Dr has changed his prognosis to possibly she will walk again! This is so exciting. She showed us some of her physical therapy and she was really in good spirits. After we left Topeka we went to KS City and found the Sprint Center easily. We stopped for dinner at The Flying Saucer. It was so good. I had a turkey burger and once it was cut in half traded Missy half of it for half of her chicken filly. Mom had a grilled chicken avacado wrap. Once we ate it was 6:00 so we went to the arena and got shirts. I chose a simple grey one with George Strait on the side of it in pink. Missy got one like mine and moms was in olive drab. Our seats were in the nosebleed section but with all the screens it wasnt a big deal. We saw everthing really well and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We drove back after the show another route only because I missed the exit. It didnt really take us out of the way so it wasnt a big deal.

On Saturday I was exhausted!!! I got up early on Saturday morning after not getting to bed until 3:00 because I took Missy to the commissary and then we spent the day cooking her some freezer meals. That evening we took the little girls to dinner at Chinese. I couldnt believe that they actually like that stuff but they do. We all ate really well and then we went to go and see the movie, How to Train Your Dragon in 3D. The girls were so cute and they loved it. I loved it! It was a great movie and I saw a bunch of previews for some upcoming 3D movies. I spent the night at Missy's house last night, slept with Kaelyn who is a horrible sharer of the bed. LOL. We went to church at my folks church this morning. I loved it. I loved the preacher. What made me so happy was the genuine concern they showed to me and also their outpouring of support for Paul. The pastor asked me for Pauls email and said he would like to send him word of encouragement if that was ok. I almost cried. He isnt even Pauls pastor and well the fact that he would email him touched me. Its just as nice to me as my friend Helens pastor sending Paul CD's of the messages. It is the little things because the way to keep me happy is to make sure that Pauls well being is taken care of.

After church we came home to a wonderful dinner. Mom made a ham, sweet potatoes and I made some roasted veggies. Also mom made Pauls favorite yeast bread. We had cheesecake for dessert. It was so good. After dinner I got a call from my man. I had been really missing him which is so normal on Sundays. I was really glad to hear his voice. Why are Sundays so much harder than the other days of the week?

Tomorrow I am hanging around the house. I do plan on running for the first time since I got here. *bad Jo* I also am going to do some crossfit. My parents will be gone a couple hours for a doctor appointment so I will do it then. Other than that I dont plan on doing too much tomorrow. I may take a nap. Hahaha

Dreading but also looking forward to going home on Thursday. I miss my dogs too. I also miss being able to once in awhile skype with my hunny bunny. I cant do that here. I need to clean the house too. I didnt do it before I left other than changing the sheets on my bed but I should have all day until I pick up the dogs on Friday to get it done. I may also try to get to crossfit on Friday afternoon if she has classes then because I will be home. I do plan on the SOS Saturday though. I am excited for that.

Well, I suppose that sums up the updates. More to follow.


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