Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, its been a bit but I have taken longer hiatuses than this so I think we should all just count our little blessings. Since it is Easter anyhow. So, Happy Easter or Happy Passover. Whatever applies to you and yours. I hope you are finding your rest in the Lord today.

The last couple of weeks have sort of gone by quickly. Praise the Lord. I have had a lot on my mind with regard to my church and it hasnt been good. I am thinking of leaving... I am still praying about it so if anyone from my church reads this they can know that I have not yet made a final decision. I think there a tons of good intentions in my church but not a lot of follow through. I not only have issue with things on my end but with things on Pauls end. I have strong opinions on my churches role in Pauls spiritual growth, his emotional well being and etc an I feel a total disconnect with regard to him on that aspect... Pray for me if that is something that you do that I will be given the discernment to make the right decision.

Training for the run is going well. I am still not progressing at the point I would like to though. At this rate I doubt I will be running even 8 miles of the half in June. Right now I am struggling with three nonstop miles before my knees are hurting. I joined up at a gym again and am incorporating some elliptical and biking in with my running so hopefully I can get in the cardio while taking a load from my knees. Ive adjusted my goal to running at least 5 nonstop then walking a mile and running again a cycle of 10 minutes on and 2 minutes off till the finish unless it seems like I can go further than 5.

Today I ran out two miles and walked back one then ran in the last mile. I did this because yesterday we did a 5k so I didnt want to push it too much. I ran all of the run yesterday with the exception of the last hill. (Why are there always a long hill at the end of a race?) Anyhow, the run was in honor and in memory of John Velandra. It was a bittersweet day. Yesterday would've been his 44th birthday. I still miss him very much.

Tuesday I leave to go to moms. I am so excited to get out of here for awhile but also scared of what it does to my diet and fitness. I will need to be really diligent while I am gone. I am glad I have the marathon to keep me motivated to run. When I come back Ali will have A Star open and I can start back up with cross fit. I think I am only going to do twice a week until the marathon is over though. I like to run on Saturday and with grueling SOS on Saturday I know I wont run and with a marathon I pretty much need to run ya know. So anyhow, I am thinking either Tuesday and Thursday for CF or Wednesday and Friday.

The weather has gotten quite warm and the grass is growing and the weeds too. Last week I mowed and tomorrow I will do the same as well as weed the flower bed again. I am going to try and keep on top of it. When I get back from moms I am going to get the pool ready to open. I am thinking by May 15th I will open it but I also plan on rewarding myself with the beach if I get my run out of the way early on Saturdays.

Well thats it for now. I will update again later.

Stay safe.

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