Tuesday, September 15, 2009

oy vey

Wow, what a couple of weeks it has been. Not so much in it terribly exciting but I have been so busy. FRG, errands and church are really taking a lot of time in the day. I am also really working hard at cross fit and the run/walking for the half marathon so I stay tired.

Missing Paul is still there although I am getting used to him not being here. I dont guess that I even still have a nightly routine yet since I am doing something different most nights. This is due to the fact that I have had something going on most evenings and by the time I get in, eat and get cleaned up its almost time for bed. I have decided now though that since the rawness of his leaving is gone I am going to taper back on my committments. I need to focus on my marathon for now and also want to get my applications/resume out there in the near future so other things will need to be put on hold.

I have to say that the best stress relief I have found has been cross fit. There have been many mornings when I dont want to go for whatever reason but in the end I do. This morning I actually had to jump in the shower just to wake up so I could go sweat but I did it. When I get there I am encouraged by the others there and also by myself and what I find I am capable of doing. It makes me feel so much better and it also empowers me to take on the rest of the day. I mean if I can dead lift 135 pounds which is only about 12 pounds lighter than me, I feel like what the hell cant I do!!!

Today was a CF morning. WE did shoulder presses. I maxed out at 55 lbs. John says I got 60 but I hesitate and think too much rather than drive the weight up right away. I need to be more aggressive. He is probably right but I am telling you, that is heavy!!! I will get there though. I am getting stronger and stronger each and every week.

Foodwise I have been doing really well. No grains for the most part. When I say for the most part I mean absolutely no rice, bulgur, or pasta. I have had some bread but not a lot and that in itself is a victory for me. I also threw out a frozen meal yesterday. I cooked it and everything but after I looked at it I thought, what am I doing? This is crap or as John would say, poison. So, I tossed it and instead made me some homemade stir fry veggies with chicken breast and chili sauce. Much better for me and definitly more filling. I was really proud of myself for that. I also cooked a huge dinner for some friends last night. (The hubbs had surgery) I had some fudge for their dessert and I only kept me 4 little pieces of it and have only eaten one of them. I am making progress. There was a time I would have maybe not given them as much so I could have kept more than four little pieces.

well, thats about it for now. I will try to be more diligent about updating.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Well, it has been several days since I last posted. Not too much has been going on anyway other than I have been really hungry lately. I am not sure whats going on with that. I have also had a couple of really poor food choice days but today I made a decision that I can either get with the program or get fat again. I decided to get with the program so today I marinated some chicken breast for the week which I will use along with the food I made a couple of weeks ago. I also made some egg cups for breakfasts this week and I went to the grocery store for some fruits and veggies for the week. I plan on making a menu for tomorrow here in a bit and sticking with it!!!

I spent the long weekend with my uncle, aunt and granny. I had a nice visit but I was somewhat bored. It was nice though to be away from F-ville although I was out of the loop for internet and cell which I hated. I also started to sleep badly the last night I was there. My back was killing me from the bed so I will be happy to get in my own bed tonight.

Speaking of beds, I bought a new quilt set for my bed and I love it. It is really a room brightener.

I bought a few new shirts this weekend as well as a cordoroy skirt. I am trying to get my fall/winter wardrobe going so I need to check out what I have and dont have. I am going to make it my personal goal to get a few pounds off by the end of September. I feel so heavy and I know that I havent been exactly paleo or diligent with my diet lately. Pauls absence has really affected me this time in a bad way. I am looking forward to this week beginning our training for the half marathon since I think I will lose a few pounds.

Ok, gonna jet off here and get my menu going and then read for a bit before bed. Crossfit in the morning!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am grouchy and lonely tonight. I ate too much this afternoon also. Maybe tomorrow will be better:( One can only hope!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A few days

Its been a few for sure. Oh well, I am here now and trying to catch up. Actually there hasnt been too much going on. After the Saturday workout I went to a friends purse party where I designed my own purse. It ended up costing $160.00 but its one of a kind and still cheaper than Coach so I am justifying the expense. Later that day I went to dinner with Kendra and her kids. We have so much laughs when we are together. She really cracks me up. Sunday, was church and I did my Sunday school lesson. It went ok and I had more input from the kids than usual but I am still so thankful for the break this weekend!!! I also went to lunch with Marie Buck. She is a really nice lady and we had a great chat. I enjoyed her company very much. That evening we had choir practice and that was fun. I enjoy the folks in the choir very much and had forgotten how fun it is during the practices. I miss Emily though. I need to get her and Kevins address as college and drop them a line. Yesterday I spent the majority of the day cleaning the house and doing laundry. Oh yeah, I made homemade applesauce and it was wonderful. I dont think I will ever buy the store stuff again. Its easy to make and the taste is out of this world. I walked with Meggy last night for 5 miles and then came home and ate. I also had some ice cream later. It was delicious and I dont regret it one bit. Today I am paying bills and running a few errands but taking it easy this evening. John thinks we shouldnt walk tonight. My legs hurt ALL THE TIME and he says its because I dont give my body time to rest in between workouts.
So anyhow, thats it in a nutshell for the day. I will check in later.
After while crocodile:)