Saturday, December 26, 2009

christmas updates

Merry Christmas Bloggies,

I havent been on here in awhile but I have been traveling. First, last week I was super busy getting ready to travel. I had so much to do. Finally on Sunday the 19th I left for KY to go to Mike and Heathers. I was able to spend two days with my son and DIL. We went to dinner a couple of times and exchanged gifts since this year is the year that they spend the holidays with Heathers parents. I left KY to drive to KS on Tuesday. It was a horrible drive because I was so sleepy. On Monday I barely got any rest and after lunch I was stopping at least every hour to get out and get air so that I wouldnt fall asleep. I was so happy to drive in my parents driveway that evening. When I got here mom had a wonderful dinner of potroast and carrots and potatoes made. I was starved and it was really good. The next day my sister and myself took my neices to town and we had lunch at Taco Bell. We didnt do too much that day because the winter storm was coming and we knew mom would be worried if we had been out in it. We did get some snow, about six inches but that wasnt the big deal. Mostly its the temperature outside. It is frigid. I have not been this cold in a long time. Living down south has me spoiled. I can hardly take the cold anymore. Yesterday was christmas and it was nice but so bittersweet since I didnt have the boys or Paul with me. I missed them all so much. I did get some good things. Lots of cozy pj's, a makeup bag with some really good quality makeup and my mom got me a Wii which I have been wanting for ages. I am so excited to get home and hook it up. Paul didnt send me anything but I reckon he wasnt thinking of gifts this year. No biggie, it didnt bother me and I was so happy that we were able to see him on skype that day. I ate and ate and ate yesterday. I am not worried about it though. If I gained then I gained. I will get it together when I get home. Tomorrow my mom, me and sister are doing a girls day. I am excited for it. Dad is babysitting the little girls for my sister. LOL. The next big thing I got going on is for new years eve and we are going to do a 5k run. We will walk a considerable amount of it because my sister cant run at all. After the run the family is going for a new years eve dinner at eight at a local mexican restaurant which my mom says is fabulous. I plan on leaving to go back to KY and see the kids again and pick up my pup on the 1st. I dont need to leave super early so I will get some rest. I need at least six hours of sleep in order to drive that distance. I will spend the night in BG and then head home on the 2nd. I dont need to hurry so I likely wont get home until late that night. It will be nice to get home and start preparing for Pauls leave in February. I have lots planned to do so that I stay on track with food and also to help pass the time. One thing I am doing is painting my bathroom and the bonus room window wall. I also need to touch up lots of other walls in the house. I am also going to shampoo the carpets and really clean the house up super good. i am also going to have Stanley Steemer come to clean my furniture. Oh yeah, the office really needs to be organized so between all that, crossfit and running I should stay busy. Speaking of crossfit I plan on paying for unlimited during January. I would love to take advantage of all the opportunitys to go in the month before Paul comes home.
well I should go now. I think I am having some pie.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Whew, what a busy couple of weeks this has been. I have been swamped with FRG and Christmas shopping and other committments. I think this week is going to be a lot less hectic.
Lets get to the important stuff: my shopping is nearly complete! Woohoo! I have to get gift cards for the son and DIL and then a couple of small things for my hairdresser and my trainers but other than that, I am done!!!
Another thing I am really pleased about is that I have been on track with my eating and exercising this month and the scale is reflecting my hard work. I have a goal of 140 before Paul comes home in February and I am not far from there:) If I dont be a total idiot at my moms I can do it! My main goal though during Christmas is to maintain my weight. No gaining. If I lose great but if I stay the same, also great. This week I have hit CF 5 times. I am going to miss 7 of the groups being gone so I am trying to stockpile exercise. Especially exercise that I pay for:)I also signed up for a 5k to do at my moms and I plan on bringing my workout journal so that I can do some at home crossfits while I am gone.
I have been cooking quite a bit and stocking the freezer with soup and chili and sauces. I made a meatloaf and did the same. Sadly, its all gone now but I enjoyed it so much that when I get back after Christms I am going to do another one. So now, I have one more spaghetti sauce and I think 4 taco soups left which are wonderful since the weather here has forced me to up my heat. Boo, hiss on the electric bill which will be so much higher.
Paul is doing well. He does have a bit of a cold and is trying to get better. He comes home on leave between the 8th and 16th of February. I am hoping that he can be home for Valentines Day and we can be at the cabin. Tres Romantico! I miss him like crazy. I just cant wait to wrap my arms around him.
Well bloggies I need to jet so I can get to SOS today. John and Ali are not here today... Who is running it? Guess I will update later to let you know. Enquiring minds and all.

Have a super day:)