Saturday, November 28, 2009


Wreaths wreaths wreaths! I am so sick of Christmas wreaths. I am still working on the ones from FRG and I am running out of time on them. I am going to have to take my day on Monday and finish up all the FRG Christmas stuff. Even then I may not finish until Tuesday. I must have it done by the 4th though or we miss the mailing deadline. I really need help with FRG. I am overwhelmed and with D not up to helping right now it is all falling on me.

I am going to go buy a small tree to decorate. I would like to have that done by Friday as well as the rest of the decorations I plan on putting up. It wont be many but at least it will be something. Honestly, since I am leaving to go to mamas on the 20th I dont need to do anything at all but I feel so out of the spirit this year. I hate not having anyone here. I miss the boys being around as much as I miss not having Paulie here.

I went to cross fit this morning and boy did I get smoked. I wore my HRM for the first time in months. I burned tons of calories today. The SOS was 3 RFT of 800 meter runs, 25 kettle bell swings, back extensions and hollow rocks. We also had a cash out of 25 sit ups and 20 push ups as well as another 400 meter run. All told with the W/U we ran 2 miles today. It was a great workout and I finished in 26.41.
I am planning on doing some active recovery tomorrow by walking the HM trail or the CFRT with Meg.

Well thats my update and I plan on trying to get more into the blogging again. I have just been so busy and not really had a lot of time.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Its the holidays and I am feeling a bit bah humbug

I went today and got the things for Pauls Christmas box and thought that perhaps if I do some decorating around here I may get in the spirit. So, I think I will get out those Christmas CD's and some decorations for the house. I just miss Paul so much and I hate that he will be away yet again for another Christmas.

I am hoping that we finish the FRG boxes by this weekend since I really want to hand them over to Rich on Monday to go out.

Saturday me and some of the ladies are going to go out to dinner and a movie. It is me and Pauls wedding anniversary and I am glad to be able to not be at home that night without him. I cant believe that we have been together so long. 18 years is a lifetime for many. I love him and cant imagine my life without him.

I have been doing so well with my diet. I have incorporated some grains back in because I like them and because I think I cant give them up for the rest of my life. I eat the healthy grains and I dont eat them a lot but if I want a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast when it is cold then I am going to have it. I also prefer pasta over spaghetti squash with my marinara. Doing paleo is great but for me doing all of it is just not reasonable. I need to lose a few pounds and so I am going back to what has worked for me in the past and that is to eat a balanced diet with all food groups.

Exercise I have also been doing well. I am trying to get in more cardio and so I have been doing more than cross fit. I am excited to start doing more spin and kickboxing. Fun classes.

Well, gonna go for now. My shows are on.

More as it happens.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I think I am back on track with my diet

finally and it feels so good. I have been uber good as of late and I am finally beginning to see it. My tummy doesnt look as bloated and that is where I notice that I have had too much of those yummy but nasty carbs. Just laying off of them in the form of grains has helped tremendously. Hopefully with my new mojo I can lose a few more pounds before I discuss the plan of attack for skin removal with the plastic surgeon. Ive already talked with them but nothing defininte on what I am going to do since I still would like to lose some weight. Also, I would need to find someone to come help me out pretty consistantly for at least one solid week and possibly two. I dont want to do this when Paul is home because I want to spend our leave time enjoying each other and not having him play nursemaid.

The deployment is nearly a quarter of the way through. The 9th will be three months. There are days when I think it is going by rather quickly but other times when it seems to drag. Today is a dragging day. Weekends always are. Also, I have been struggling with trying to not be angry with Paul. He tells me he has written me at least 8 letters but I have yet to receive any but one from way back in early September. Part of me doesnt believe him but he doesnt lie to me so I dont know where that comes from. Yes, I do actually, it comes from deployment stress, loneliness and being human. Still it doesnt make me feel any better about it and it just isnt something to be angry over in reality. I just feel a bit resentful at times because I do write him snail mail once a week and email him at least once a day most days. Ugh, its just so frustrating. I should hit my knees because in the past whenever I let go of things and give them to God I feel so much more at peace. I should but will I? Maybe I will later but right now that stubborn girl in me wants to continue to wallow.

Shannon from crossfit sent me a huge pdf of nothing but paleo recipes. I am excited since it will get me out of my cooking rut. Also, they arent all dessert recipes which is super wonderful. I was looking at a coconut chicken recipe that I may try next week.

well, gonna jet for now. Will check in later.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

sore is for sissies!

So, with that said I am a big old sissy. I am back from Wilmington in one piece from the half mary but let me tell you, I aint 20 anymore and that sucker kicked my arse! Seriously, we all did great in that we all finished. I did fine during the marathon with some running and walking until mile 6 when my feet started burning pretty bad. Actually at mile 4 I told Michelle that I was getting a hot spot. Still, until mile 6 we kept up a decent pace. I fought the urge to take off my shoe at mile 8 when I knew I had a decent blister on my foot and my toes. I knew I would not put the shoe back on if I took it off and then I wouldnt have finished. So, instead we walked and were ok until about mile 11 and then we both were practically limping with our feet pain. We would try to run and maybe get 200 feet when we had to walk... It was sad. When we were about 400 meters from the finish we sprinted it in, took off our shoes and waited for Meg to come in. The only thing bothering me after the race initially was my feet. I felt fine otherwise. It wasnt until we got to the room, showered and relaxed some that I felt EVERYTHING ache. OMG, I hurt everywhere. My abs, gluts, hip flexors, back, hammies, quads, etc. You name it and it hurt! The next day I still felt like I had been run over and today I still feel really sore but much better.
I went to CF this morning and I am so glad that I did. Ali modified my WOD for my feet and then she showed me some awesome stretches for my still very sore hip flexors and gluts. Ive been doing them off and on all day and I can tell a difference in my soreness and stiffness. I figure by end of week I should be feeling fine and as long as my blisters are gone then I will start running again on Saturday morning. I have a plan to get in more cardio and I am going to run it by JV to see what he thinks of it. I know I need more cardio but I also need to have days of rest as well and that is what I dont plan very well so I end up getting burnt out.
I am still working on my nutrition. I have been doing well the last couple of weeks and today I cooked a turkey breast and made some puttenesca sauce for meals over the next couple of days. I plan on serving the puttenesca over some egg plant one night this week and then over some eggs another night. I had some turkey for dinner tonight and it was really good. I had some zucchini with it. I paid close attention to only eating as much as I needed to feel satisfied so I was really proud of myself.

Paul has finally made it to his new place. He says it is much better and for me it is. We have much better commo so far and we have even gotten to see each other on the webcam a couple of times. I miss him so much. He is my best friend and I know that sounds really corny but its so true. He is amazing and the one person I know always has my back. Our anniversary is this month. Sometimes I think that we act ore like we have been married 8 months versus 18 years. Its amazing and I wish everyone could know the relationship we have. I can honestly say that I go to bed every night knowing without a shadow of doubt that my husband loves me with all of his being.

Ok, gonna go for now. I want to soak in a tub for a bit and read before watching some TV tonight.

Pics are of myself, Meg and Michelle pre race and then one of me with my medal post race.