Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th update

Hello Bloggies-

Sorry it has been a little while since my last entry. Things here have been crazy. I have been so busy with trying to get ready physically for the marathon that I haven't been doing much of anything else.

I've ran a couple of races since we last caught up. A 5k and a 10k. I was really happy about the last one because it is coming off of my hamstring pull. The hamstring is still giving me grief although I do see/feel significant improvement. I ran the last 10k in its entirety even if it were pretty slow and then this morning I had a good run at a moderate pace with no pain for the first 3.5 miles. After that I did need to slow down but it wasnt too bad. I know for the half I will not finish in the time I want nor will I run the whole thing but I'm ok with that. I think coming off my injury just doing it is something. On the 29th of this month I am going to Wilmington to do a 5k just for fun and then I am going to the beach afterwards. I will likely be alone but thats ok too. I invited a couple of girls but they may or may not be able to come. At any rate I plan on enjoying the day. I will run, go back to the hotel and shower, grab a meal and then hit the beach for a couple of hours before coming home and having dinner here. Maybe I will grill sicne it is Memorial Day weekend and all.

My sister and her girls are coming to visit in July. I am so happy. I just love them and with them coming in July it will just make the time go by quicker for Paul to gethome. missy and the girls get in on the 7th and then its rumored that Paul and them may come home at end of July but then again I heard this from a wife so I am still sticking with the August time frame that Paul gave me. Either way it is getting closer. I can hardly wait. Imiss him so much.

Well thats all for now. I will update after the weekend.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Eve

Happy Mothers Day to my Fellow Mothers!

Quite a bit has happened since I last blogged and I will try to update as best as I can from memory. I jotted some notes so as I wouldn't forget too much. I really do need to get better at logging this stuff down.

First, I was/am/will be/ running very well. I say it like that because I was running on schedule and doing what I was supposed to do with regard to speed drills and increasing distance but then I hurt my hamstring. I babied it a day or two and then went full throttle again and now it is even more jacked up so now I am on the sidelines doing nothing because I cant take any chances with it. The half is in a month and I cant risk not being able to run at least half of it. Today I was registered for a 10k and decided last night to just do the 5k but when I got to the packet pickup they didnt have my packet... I took that as a sign and sat this one out completely. I have stretched and rolled it today and tomorrow I will do the same thing but I dont foresee anything more than IT band stretches until at least Wednesday and then I will see how I feel. I will have to ease back into running and go slow. No speed drills or split jumps at cross fit which is how it got hurt in the first place. It was totally my fault though. I felt it pull/stretch and I should have stopped at round three and told Ali and then did a modification but nope... Lesson learned.

I met with my preachers wife also. We had a chat about my feelings. I still dont think she totally gets why I was so upset but its ok. She thinks I am feeling this way because I miss Paul and I do but that is not it. Anyhow it doesnt matter. I am not mad at her, them or anyone anymore anyhow. (thats a lot of any's) I still dont think I will go back though. I love her, love a lot of people there but somehow it isnt really enough because after nearly a two hour conversation with her I still dont think that we are really any clearer on the issue. When Paul comes home I will see what he wants to do. I am tired of looking for a church so I think I will just go on post Sunday mornings to the protestant service until he is back.

Paul sent me an edible arrangement for Mothers Day. It was to be delivered yesterday but they asked me if I could come and get it. I did not knowing that Paul paid 12.00 for them to deliver it. Then today my mom calls me at 5:00 asking if I got a delivery. I say no and that I have been home all day so I wouldnt have missed anything. She says she ordered me an edible arrangement two weeks ago to be delivered today. It should've been delivered between noon and 5 when they close. Anyhow I left the house at 5:30 and it still wasnt here so I called mom. She is very upset and rightly so. I think I will talk with them also about me coming to pick up Pauls order when he paid for the delivery. The arrangement though is gorgeous. I got tons of melon so tonight I made a melon smoothie for a snack. A combo of honey dew, cantalope and then a bit of mint and some honey and ice. It was really good. I got enough out of what I made for breakfast in the morning too. Yay.

Mike went to JRTC last Tuesday for training. I am sick to my stomach about this. This really means my boy will deploy. Before I could deny it but now, not so much. I am trying to be ok but it is really hard.

WW board interviewed me for the Rockstar interview. It was pretty cool and I was honored to do it. I still get really shocked that people are impressed by my weight loss and want to know about it. I shouldnt because I always want to know about how others did it too.

Meg and me have been going to the beach a lot and we are both getting so excited about hanging with our other girls Kara and Vichi in PR. I still can not believe I am going on a trip to Puerto Rico! Wow!

Well, thats it for now. I will try and update in a few days. Adieu.