Saturday, October 31, 2009

October end of month

Well Guys or should I say Ghouls! Happy Halloween to ya! It is a warm Halloween morning here in the Carolinas and feels more like an early summer day. Supposed to get up to 82 degrees today.
things here have been hit or miss in many areas but over the last week I feel like I have come to a new understanding of many things and am back on track. Mainly with my diet. I weighed myself a little over a week ago and was up nearly 10 pounds from the spring. Talk about depressed. I worked really hard to lose the weight and I dont want to see it creep back up so I once again began journaling and eating as clean as possible. This meant also no eating out which was difficult for me in that it forces me to cook if I dont want to put processed junk in my gullet. Anyhow I did it and upon waking this morning and weighing myself I am down 4 pounds from that awful high. I am more determined than ever to lose the rest of it and even a few more as that was my original goal. Once I get there if I find it too unobtainable to maintain I will change it. All this means that I have to do more cardio because while CF is great and I love it it doesnt last long enough for me to enjoy the fat loss benefits of cardio. Dont get me wrong, cardiovascularly I am in great shape from CF but I do think I need more than I am getting from my sessions. I am aiming for at least 2 extra hours of cardio each week on top of CF which should not be a problem since I am going to start going back to spin class at least once a week.
I am also letting go of how much I do. I find myself exhausted at the end of the day and I dont even work but I am always super busy. So, I am relinquishing command of some things and praying that they are still done and done well. If not, I am just going to have to give it to God because I cant take on anymore.
Today is the day we leave for the half mary. Our shirts may not be in but thats ok. It would have been cool to have them but lets face it,shirts dont make one run or walk faster. We just wanted to match since we are such girlie girls. I am hoping to have an injury free day and to complete the thing in under the time limit. I have been going pretty fast in my walking and I can run some so we shall see what happens. When this is over I am looking for a 10 kilometer that I can train for so that I can see if in a few months I could possibly run the entire thing.
Well, its time to get some last minute things done before heading out. I will update when I get home.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

curvy chicks and handstands

do not go well together. Ok, maybe I should just say bottom heavy chicks... More on this in a bit.
This last week has been really busy for me. I did a lot of stuff with the FRG and then had some friends who I needed to visit due to operations and such. I also really deep cleaned my house. Can I get an AMEN on that one please!
On Saturday I went to Gillis Farm with some gals and their kids. It was a nice time but cold! I had some homemade ice cream while there (pumpkin flavor) because there isnt any kind of cold that can keep me from some creamy homemade ice cream. I will say that I only had half of the small size because we were going out for pizza afterwards. We went to CiCi's and I had two pieces of pizza (would have had three but a cute little 3 year old snagged my slice of pepperoni off my plate)and I also had some cavatini which is this pasta with marinara and pepperoni in it. NOM! When I got home that night I crashed hard. I think it was that I dont eat that many carbs anymore and then the fall from the sugar really got me. I slept so well though. Sunday after church I met up with Meg, Michelle and Brigitte from CF and we did 6 miles on post. That last mile was not very effective since I was laughing my head off most of it which interfered with how fast I could go. Seriously, these ladies are pee in your pants funny! It was a good time though which goes to show that exercise can be fun:)
Beginning yesterday I started eating in reverse. Large portions for breakfast, medium for lunch and small for supper. Yesterday I had 2 eggs for breakfast, bacon and 2 paleo waffles with maple syrup and I didnt eat again until 3:30 in the afternoon because I wasnt hungry until then. Crazy! At 3:30 I had three large stalks of celery with some peanut butter and jelly on it. When I ate dinner at 6:30 I had a chicken drumstick and some oven roasted veggies. Today I had steak, eggs, protein smoothie and one slice of whole grain toast for breakfast. I dont know what I will have to eat for lunch because I have chicken chili but if I dont get hungry until mid afternoon again I will just eat something smaller so I can eat at dinner which I am planning on tuna and greens but we'll see.
This morning at CF we did handstands. Actually most everybody else did handstands! I think it is harder for me since I am big on the bottom and it takes a lot of energy to propel my self up over my head... At any rate JV says we will work on them more often and I am going to practice with Meg on Sundays... Hopefully within a year I can do them. Well, at least one of them. I hate when I cant do things in CF. Nobody judges you so that isnt the issue. It is all me! So friggen Type A!
Deployment still sucks. Paul and I have sporadic commo which is depressing. Hopefully once they make the move to the new FOB at the end of the month that will change. I really miss him and just want to talk to him face to face.
Ok, gonna jet for now. I will update in a few.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

5K day

Well today was the AHA walk/5k. I did ok. Not stellar but not horribly I suppose. My friend Ashley ran with me and I was glad because I probably would have had a worse time had I did it myself. We ran most of it. When the thing started we walked the first 5 minutes really briskly and then took off. We ended up walking up the hill on I think Hillside and then again on Hay Street as you leave the Sp. Ops Museum. Our finish time was 40:24. Poor Ashley was almost hurling at the end of it. It was really humid and the people who put on the race didnt use cups for the water stops. Rather, they gave you 16oz bottles of water which obviously if you are running the thing you cant tote around with you so we only grabbed water at one stop near the end and only drank a few little sips. At the end of the run they had Subway. When we got to the food table we got a veggie sub which was what was left and the only thing on it was lettuce and tomato. There was not any fruit or juice available. It was really pathetic. I kept thinking that possibly since the AHA put the thing on they secretly wanted someone to have a coronary so they could practice and show how CPR saves lives.... LOL.

I ate miserably today. I overate because I allowed myself to get famished. When I was finished with the run and had that mini sub I went to Megs to help her paint. I was there all afternoon and had no more food or water so by the time I got home needless to say I could have gnawed off my arm. I ate and ate and ate. Now I feel yucky. Lesson learned. Next time I need to do as I do after crossfit and properly fuel my body with some healthy protein within 30 minutes after I work out. That always makes me eat better during the day and I feel better the rest of the day.

Tomorrow is the 10miler for the marathon training. It may just be me and Michelle. Meg wasnt feeling well today.... I am pretty proud of myself with my walking/running because I have really stepped up my walk speed and while my run is still slow, I do have an easier time with it. After this marathon I am really going to focus on what that crossfit website John sent me has to say about endurance training.

On the deployment note, we hit 60 days!!! We also found out that Pauls unit is leaving where they are within 3 weeks and going to another FOB. They were hand selected for this mission which is permanent for the duration of their tour. I dont know what it is or exactly where they are going due to OPSEC and Paul wont tell me anything that is just speculation besides. I try not to worry.

Okie dokie, gonna go. I need to shower, shave and figure out what I will wear to church tomorrow. Will TTYL!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Getting to be a habit

this whole taking two weeks off from blogging! Sorry bout that! I have been uber busy though and really honestly needed to take a break from some things in my life that dont take high priority. I heard a sermon at church about hanging onto the dead in your life called holding on to your Moses. The preacher kept saying, "people, Moses is dead, D E A D! Hold on to the things that are living." I have been thinking a lot about this and therefore I am going to be weeding out many things in my life over the next few months. Some if these things unfortunatly will be people. I have a tendancy to want to mother everyone, to fix everyone and I just cant do it. There are people who will be resistant to help forever and it will do nothing but tax me physically and emotionally so I have got to put an end to it. I will pray for them but I can do no more without compromising my own personal growth and happiness.

Marathon training is going. We are walking although not as diligently as we should. We are cross fitting like crazy though. I am confident we will complete the thing in the time alloted and I am treating this one as a learing experience for the most part. I am also really just proud of myself for taking on the challenge. We have decided to do another one in late March in Virginia and John is going to take on a more active role in our training for that one. I think with his help we can really see a huge improvement in time and in motivation. He is a great motivator and trainer. Hopefully by that time we will also be able to run a large portion of the marathon as well. At least that is our goal.

Nutritionally I am doing ok. I have my days when I do very well then days when I suck and dont eat enough, eat too much, eat the wrong things, etc. I am consistant in my weight though so I suppose I shouldnt complain too much. I would just love to see a more happy medium. Last night I did eat some cookies without guilt and that was a true victory for me. Usually I will feel so horribly if I have something like that. I just told myself that I would have them, enjoy them and I wouldnt make it a habit or everyday thing but once in awhile it was all good. I guess that is making progress.

No CF for me tomorrow. I strained my groin yesterday and I am still in some pain. Bummer though because I love Saturday CF so much. For real! I cant believe I did that and am still not sure how it happened. All I know is that I was coming up from a burpeee and slid somehow which hyper extended my leg forward. It was really a clumsy thing...

I am hoping to hear from Paul again. I have been super duper lonely for him. Our commo is really sucky lately. They have hardly any phones or computers and its so depressing to go day after day without word from him.

Ok, gonna get going. I need to get moving. Its nearly 10:30 and I still need to get my dogs to the groomer. I am not even dressed:( Uhoh!