Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hola Friends

Well this blog is about over... I will likely begin another though but I see no reason to continue with this one since soon and very soon my honey will return from his deployment. I can not begin to tell you how happy I am. This year seems as if it dragged on.

WEll, we all got back from PR unscathed but friendships were damaged. I'll not go into it but just to say that I'm more than sad at the way things turned out. PR is beautiful though and most of the time was wonderful. I loved the beach and walking around the city in Old San Juan was just amazing. The people there are warm and so is the weather! I loved it. Paul and I are going to plan our own trip there in the future which should be fun.

Since PR my sister Melissa and her girl came to visit me for two weeks. We had so much fun. We took the kids to the beach, childrens museum, Monkey Joes, a farm where they had homemade ice cream, Jambbas Ranch and out to eat in lots of places they don't have where they live. They also swam in my pool almost daily. It was fun having them here and when they left I realized just how much I miss my sister. We always have such a good time together. She is an absolute hoot! Having them here also helped to pass some of the time away this month which is good because usually the last month of deployment drags by.

I can't say when Paul will be home due to operational security but it is soon. Trust me, when he is safely back in the country everyone will know it.

My son leaves for his overseas tour soon. I don't want to mention specifics about his dates, unit or departing post due to the same concerns I have about mentioning Pauls redeployment but I can tell you that I would covet any prayers you could pray on his behalf. There are days I deal with his leaving well and then there are days I fall to pieces, imagine the worst and just lose it so if you got any extra positive thoughts and prayers for me, well then... Please remember his wife as well. Being married just a year this is going to be very hard for her and him and their marriage.

Paul and I will be doing part two of our Gatlinburg trip in the fall. I am so excited because we are going to get to do the things we couldn't do when we went last time. Mama and dad are also coming and so that will be nice to share some time with them.

I signed up for the Disney Princess half marathon in February in Orlando. Paul is going to come with me and also Kara and her hubs, Shannon. Kara will run with me. I am super stoked because every review I read about it is positive. We are also going to do the Myrtle Beach half in October or November (cant remember the dates) and that should be fun. So far there are about 8 of us running plus some well wishers we know coming. I still need to register for that one. Should be fun though and Paul and I are going to make a weekend of our time at Myrtle:)

On a sad note, July 1 my sweet gram passed away. She was 84 years old. I was on my way to see her in the hospital after hearing she had a good night when she suddenly took a turn for the worse and had a cardiac arrest. When I got there she was gone. Just 10 minutes earlier... I'll miss her. She was funny and sweet and just loved everyone. Her funeral or going home ceremony as we call it was beautiful. The woman had planned her own funeral so nobody in the family had to do anything really. She had all the music picked, who she wanted to speak, scripture versus picked out as well as what she wanted to be buried in. She left us no details to wonder about so we know it was just as she would have wanted.

I'm hoping to begin running regularly again tomorrow as well as getting in some additional gym time. It has just been so hot (temps over 100) that I feel no motivation for anything. Ah well, I must get back on track. Ive gained a few pounds and I need to nip that in the bud ASAP.

Well that about covers it all. I hope the next time to check in I'll be saying my love is finally home!!

Ta Ta for now- JC

Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Birthday US Army

and happy flag day as well. I am so bad about updating this blog and I really need to do better.

First, the half marathon happened and it was a total nightmare! It was so disorganized but on the other hand it was also one of the best runs I have ever done in that I ran all of it. We are still waiting on our t-shirts. I did have so much fun with Kara though. We have tons in common and it was nice going and spending time with her. She did so great on the run as well and she convinced me to run the Army Birthday 10 miler less than a week later. LOL. That run was so nice as far as organization. There were multiple water stops, and the whole thing was just nice. The course was hard though in that the next day I was really sore. Even more sore than after the half.

My birthday was the 12th and I drug my ass up and out to crossfit for the birthday WOD which kicked my hiney. It was all the things I hate. Split jumps, box jumps, rowing and burpees. Apparently my friends picked my workout for me. LOL

After the WOD my friends took me to lunch at Sherefe's. They got me some great gifts, a cake and we had so much fun together. The company and the food was amazing. After lunch I came home and had a nice treat of a webchat with Paul who got me a Garmin forerunner GPS for my birthday. I love it. I had wanted one so badly. I also got a promise of him baking me a birthday cake when he comes home. He also sent me the template of my new back tattoo that I was also getting that day. Its daisies and butterflies. I love it and he did a good job drawing up what I wanted.
After my chat with Paul I met up with Meg, Clare and Melissa to go get my tattoo. I was so nervous and really worried about how badly it would hurt but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Dont get me wrong, it wasn't not painful but it wasnt awful either. In the end the tattoo was exactly what I wanted and I am so glad I got it. It is beautiful and I cant wait for Paul to see it in person. When we left the parlor we went to dinner at Mash House and I had the most amazing Greek salad with chicken and pitas. It was so good. They also gave me a piece of cake for my birthday which I shared with everyone. When Paul comes home I want to take him to eat there because Chuck, Clares hubs got a bone in ribeye that I know Paul would have loved.

So, that was my birthday. I had a good day!

Sunday I stayed home and cleaned the house. I also went to breakfast with Michele and then to the mall to get a new bathing suit top. I was happy with what I did yesterday since my house was filthy and i got it really clean. I also got the laundry all done as well.

Today I took off again from crossfit and running. I decided to give myself two days of rest after all the running I did last week. So anyhow today I changed my bedsheets and mowed the yard. OMG, it was sofriggenhotoutside today. I was dying. After lunch I went to get my nails done so that I have a new pedi for Puerto Rico. I got hot hot hot pink with white tips. I love it. I also got my fingernails painted white which I hate so I will be repainting them. I came home and made a good healthy dinner of marinara with chicken, spaghetti squash, broccoli and 2 oz of pasta. I was craving real pasta so I had it.

We leave for Puerto Rico on thursday. I am so excited to go. I think we are going to have so much fun. Also that when we get back my parents will be here soon after and then my sister and then, MY WONDERFUL HUBBY will be home next month. I cant give details but in about 6 weeks I should be holding the love of my life again. I am so happy.

well I reckon Ive caught up everthing for the most part. I will try to be better about updating.

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th update

Hello Bloggies-

Sorry it has been a little while since my last entry. Things here have been crazy. I have been so busy with trying to get ready physically for the marathon that I haven't been doing much of anything else.

I've ran a couple of races since we last caught up. A 5k and a 10k. I was really happy about the last one because it is coming off of my hamstring pull. The hamstring is still giving me grief although I do see/feel significant improvement. I ran the last 10k in its entirety even if it were pretty slow and then this morning I had a good run at a moderate pace with no pain for the first 3.5 miles. After that I did need to slow down but it wasnt too bad. I know for the half I will not finish in the time I want nor will I run the whole thing but I'm ok with that. I think coming off my injury just doing it is something. On the 29th of this month I am going to Wilmington to do a 5k just for fun and then I am going to the beach afterwards. I will likely be alone but thats ok too. I invited a couple of girls but they may or may not be able to come. At any rate I plan on enjoying the day. I will run, go back to the hotel and shower, grab a meal and then hit the beach for a couple of hours before coming home and having dinner here. Maybe I will grill sicne it is Memorial Day weekend and all.

My sister and her girls are coming to visit in July. I am so happy. I just love them and with them coming in July it will just make the time go by quicker for Paul to gethome. missy and the girls get in on the 7th and then its rumored that Paul and them may come home at end of July but then again I heard this from a wife so I am still sticking with the August time frame that Paul gave me. Either way it is getting closer. I can hardly wait. Imiss him so much.

Well thats all for now. I will update after the weekend.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Eve

Happy Mothers Day to my Fellow Mothers!

Quite a bit has happened since I last blogged and I will try to update as best as I can from memory. I jotted some notes so as I wouldn't forget too much. I really do need to get better at logging this stuff down.

First, I was/am/will be/ running very well. I say it like that because I was running on schedule and doing what I was supposed to do with regard to speed drills and increasing distance but then I hurt my hamstring. I babied it a day or two and then went full throttle again and now it is even more jacked up so now I am on the sidelines doing nothing because I cant take any chances with it. The half is in a month and I cant risk not being able to run at least half of it. Today I was registered for a 10k and decided last night to just do the 5k but when I got to the packet pickup they didnt have my packet... I took that as a sign and sat this one out completely. I have stretched and rolled it today and tomorrow I will do the same thing but I dont foresee anything more than IT band stretches until at least Wednesday and then I will see how I feel. I will have to ease back into running and go slow. No speed drills or split jumps at cross fit which is how it got hurt in the first place. It was totally my fault though. I felt it pull/stretch and I should have stopped at round three and told Ali and then did a modification but nope... Lesson learned.

I met with my preachers wife also. We had a chat about my feelings. I still dont think she totally gets why I was so upset but its ok. She thinks I am feeling this way because I miss Paul and I do but that is not it. Anyhow it doesnt matter. I am not mad at her, them or anyone anymore anyhow. (thats a lot of any's) I still dont think I will go back though. I love her, love a lot of people there but somehow it isnt really enough because after nearly a two hour conversation with her I still dont think that we are really any clearer on the issue. When Paul comes home I will see what he wants to do. I am tired of looking for a church so I think I will just go on post Sunday mornings to the protestant service until he is back.

Paul sent me an edible arrangement for Mothers Day. It was to be delivered yesterday but they asked me if I could come and get it. I did not knowing that Paul paid 12.00 for them to deliver it. Then today my mom calls me at 5:00 asking if I got a delivery. I say no and that I have been home all day so I wouldnt have missed anything. She says she ordered me an edible arrangement two weeks ago to be delivered today. It should've been delivered between noon and 5 when they close. Anyhow I left the house at 5:30 and it still wasnt here so I called mom. She is very upset and rightly so. I think I will talk with them also about me coming to pick up Pauls order when he paid for the delivery. The arrangement though is gorgeous. I got tons of melon so tonight I made a melon smoothie for a snack. A combo of honey dew, cantalope and then a bit of mint and some honey and ice. It was really good. I got enough out of what I made for breakfast in the morning too. Yay.

Mike went to JRTC last Tuesday for training. I am sick to my stomach about this. This really means my boy will deploy. Before I could deny it but now, not so much. I am trying to be ok but it is really hard.

WW board interviewed me for the Rockstar interview. It was pretty cool and I was honored to do it. I still get really shocked that people are impressed by my weight loss and want to know about it. I shouldnt because I always want to know about how others did it too.

Meg and me have been going to the beach a lot and we are both getting so excited about hanging with our other girls Kara and Vichi in PR. I still can not believe I am going on a trip to Puerto Rico! Wow!

Well, thats it for now. I will try and update in a few days. Adieu.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I am becoming a runner

Hey Bloggies,

Sorry I have been MIA since I last put pics on from the concert but I have been trying to get back into the swing of things since getting home. I cant tell you how hard it is when you are away from your routine for so long. Finally though, I seem to be settling back into my groove here in the Ville.

I have been running more and more and I am getting so much better and faster. I am finding that I am also really enjoying it. I like putting on my headphones and getting out there. When I first started to even jog and made it one mile I shuffled and it took me 15 minutes for one mile. LOL. Now, I can walk that fast. Anyhow, today I ran two miles in 22 minutes! I am shooting for a 20 minute 2 miles for my short term goal. Long term is to run a 10k. Hopefully that wont be too long term though. I am shooting for being able to do that by end of summer.

I started back to crossfit too. I love Ali's new place. I love the fact that it is an actual box and not a church hallway. So far I have had four workouts there and I have had my hiney handed to me each time. Today was killer. We did 2x each of 400 meter farmers carry with 15lb and 2x each 10 lb waiters carry. In between each of those were 10 situps, 5 push ups and 10 hollow rocks. We had a warm up of 250 meter row sprint and then a cashout of 50 situps and anothe 250 meter sprint on the rower. My traps are killing me from the waiters carry but I never dropped the weight the entire time.

Foodwise I am doing pretty well. I am trying to make good choices and also trying to not beat myself up when I dont. I want to change for the long term so it is unreasonable for me to think that I will always eat perfectly. Life is for living so I am trying to live and live well. I want to incorporate the ideas from Ali and John as well as some of the WW ideals that I love. Some of the paleo ideas I even like. I think there are so many good things about all of them. I just cant be caught up in one way of eating because that is when I get discouraged. I want to fuel my body with nutritious foods and have an occasional treat. I am learning though that there are certain foods that I respond to better than others which is why I have severly limited grains. That isnt to say I dont eat them ever but I dont eat them often. Not for any other reason than I dont like the way they make me feel in my belly.

I stopped going to my church. It made me sad but I wasnt happy. I went to another church last week but I wont go back because it was an all black church and I wasnt comfortable. I will keep looking. I am meeting with Glenda however on Monday to discuss my feeling with the Wesleyan church. I doubt I will go back but I suppose I should at least meet with her. I like Glenda very much so she deserves that.

Pauls deployment is 2/3 over. Yeah! We have three months left. I miss him so very much. I cant begin to describe the sadness I have when he isnt with me. Each day without him is just awful. I will be so happy to have him home for good. He is ready to be over with it too. He really misses me too. I am so lucky to have a man who loves me so much. I see the other wives whose husbands arent so attentive and loving and I appreciate my Paulie all the more. He is so wonderful. What I ever did to deserve such a kind man is beyond me.

June is Puerto Rico month. I got the go ahead from my hunny to go with my cross fit girlfriends to San Juan. I am excited. Meg, Kara and Vicci and me. It will be fun. We are just going to be laying on the beach soaking in the sun. It will be a great way to pass a weeks worth of time. I love having things to look forward to because it just makes it closer to when my baby gets home.

Well thats it for now. I will try to update soon.

Monday, April 19, 2010

concert pics

These are some pics of George Strait, Reba McEntire and Leanne Womack at the concert on the 9th of April at the Sprint Center in Ks City.

home pictures.

These are some pics from Kansas.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I already miss my sister and the chicks!

Tonight I had dinner with them. We had so much fun watching Biggest Loser while eating and putting together a gas grill that mama and I went in on the price for as her early birthday present. It did take us over two hours to put the grill together but we did it. The directions arent as simple as they make it out to be. In the end we only had one scew left but the thing was sturdy so we arent stressing. Heehee.
The chicks cried when I left and I was starting to. Once I got on the road to head back to moms I did shed a few tears. I adore my Missy and we always have sooo much fun together. I miss her when I am not here. A lot!

Earlier today I had coffee with Andi Bradshaw. We had such a nice chat and visit at the Starbucks. I had an iced Americano and boy did it hit the spot. I havent had a decent cup of coffee since Fayetteville.

I went to the PX on Riley and got three shirts and a sundress. It was all pretty cheap. I also got the little girls a pair of capris and a shirt. They loved them. They were little black capris with diamond studs on the hem and the shirts are vibrant purple with the same studs on the collar. Cute cute cute. They said they are wearing them to school tomorrow. I hope Missy takes pictures. The shirts I got are cute. I got a yellow empire waist shirt that I really love. I wish now I would have bought a couple more colors. The other two are swing type shirts, one in orange and the other in slate blue. The sundress is a floral hippie type print. Its really flowy and comfy. Perfect for the beach and lounging around. All told I spent less than $60.00 f or everything.

I dont know if we are doing anything tomorrow. It is my last day here though which makes me sad. I am going to miss my mama and my dad. I have really enjoyed beiing here and I really needed to get away. I do eat poorly and God knows I dont get in enough exercise when I come here but I reckon that is ok too. Friday when I get home I will get back on program.

I mapped out my next few (week)days once I get home:

Friday- run in morning (3 miles total), commissary, bills paid, clean floors in house and clean bathroom in my room, gym (Golds) in the afternoon (elliptical for 20 minutes, biking 20 minutes and abs)
Saturday- SOS and possibly a 2 mile sprint walk. I am not going to go to Wilmington for the baby shower after all. I will likely do some yard work. Call Lowes or True Value about a wet//dry vac.
Sunday- beach day with my crossfit gal pals!!!
Monday- Run in morning (3 miles total), start clearing out the garage, load up the truck of stuff for donation, gym (golds) in afternoon (same as Friday)
Tuesday- crossfit in morning, work on garage, buy rubbermaids for stuff in it.
Wednesday- run (3 miles total), if wet//dry vac is found, work on cleaning the pool
Thursday- short run in morning (one mile of intervals), housework, crossfit in afternoon
Friday- gym (elliptical for 30 minutes, and abs), yard work
Saturday-6 miles run/walk, grocery shop if needed

Sounds like a way to get me back in the groove pretty quickly. I am dreading running so much but I have got to get my mileage up for the marathon in June. Working on five miles for now with the goal of eight by the race.

Paul is sick now. Stomach thingy. Poor guy. I hope he can get well quickly. If you are prayerful please keep him in yours. I really miss him and I cant wait to see him on Skype when I get home.

Well thats it for now. I likely wont update again until I am back in the Ville.


Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hello Bloggies,

Hope all is well with you. As for me, I am doing wonderfully. I have really enjoyed being with my family and I get a little shoulda coulda when I think about the fact that I could have come here for the deployments. I would have had the support system of my family and that would have been so awesome. I know that when I was sad on Saturdays because I was missing Paul or on Sundays after church I would have had somewhere to go. But, since we bought the house it would not have been possible because although my folks would have never had a problem with me staying with them I would never have done that. Also, I would have really missed my friends and especially those crazy friends from crossfit. These ladies have become my family and I love them. When I am sick they bring me soup and 7up, they come visit me when they dont hear from me or I sound off, they have invited me to hang out and they have shared so many meals with me and they have cried with me over my stresses and heartbreak. My gym family is honestly closer to me than my Church 'family'. Speaking of church, I am still in prayer over the situation and do not think I will come to a final decision until after I get back. I think I am hanging out at the beach this weekend and will come to a decision then. I know where I am leaning... the only reason I have so much trepidation is because of my kids. I love those kids in the class and I would miss them but I also have to do what the Spirit leads me to do and so we'll see.

Now, the concert was so awesome!! It began at 7:00 with Leanne Womack and Reba was in the middle followed by the King!!! George Strait was so good and I loved Reba. The concert wasnt over until 12:30. Missy, mom and me had so much fun. We stopped on the way to see Lori in the rehab hospital. She is doing so well. She is beginning to have some MOVEMENT!! The Dr has changed his prognosis to possibly she will walk again! This is so exciting. She showed us some of her physical therapy and she was really in good spirits. After we left Topeka we went to KS City and found the Sprint Center easily. We stopped for dinner at The Flying Saucer. It was so good. I had a turkey burger and once it was cut in half traded Missy half of it for half of her chicken filly. Mom had a grilled chicken avacado wrap. Once we ate it was 6:00 so we went to the arena and got shirts. I chose a simple grey one with George Strait on the side of it in pink. Missy got one like mine and moms was in olive drab. Our seats were in the nosebleed section but with all the screens it wasnt a big deal. We saw everthing really well and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We drove back after the show another route only because I missed the exit. It didnt really take us out of the way so it wasnt a big deal.

On Saturday I was exhausted!!! I got up early on Saturday morning after not getting to bed until 3:00 because I took Missy to the commissary and then we spent the day cooking her some freezer meals. That evening we took the little girls to dinner at Chinese. I couldnt believe that they actually like that stuff but they do. We all ate really well and then we went to go and see the movie, How to Train Your Dragon in 3D. The girls were so cute and they loved it. I loved it! It was a great movie and I saw a bunch of previews for some upcoming 3D movies. I spent the night at Missy's house last night, slept with Kaelyn who is a horrible sharer of the bed. LOL. We went to church at my folks church this morning. I loved it. I loved the preacher. What made me so happy was the genuine concern they showed to me and also their outpouring of support for Paul. The pastor asked me for Pauls email and said he would like to send him word of encouragement if that was ok. I almost cried. He isnt even Pauls pastor and well the fact that he would email him touched me. Its just as nice to me as my friend Helens pastor sending Paul CD's of the messages. It is the little things because the way to keep me happy is to make sure that Pauls well being is taken care of.

After church we came home to a wonderful dinner. Mom made a ham, sweet potatoes and I made some roasted veggies. Also mom made Pauls favorite yeast bread. We had cheesecake for dessert. It was so good. After dinner I got a call from my man. I had been really missing him which is so normal on Sundays. I was really glad to hear his voice. Why are Sundays so much harder than the other days of the week?

Tomorrow I am hanging around the house. I do plan on running for the first time since I got here. *bad Jo* I also am going to do some crossfit. My parents will be gone a couple hours for a doctor appointment so I will do it then. Other than that I dont plan on doing too much tomorrow. I may take a nap. Hahaha

Dreading but also looking forward to going home on Thursday. I miss my dogs too. I also miss being able to once in awhile skype with my hunny bunny. I cant do that here. I need to clean the house too. I didnt do it before I left other than changing the sheets on my bed but I should have all day until I pick up the dogs on Friday to get it done. I may also try to get to crossfit on Friday afternoon if she has classes then because I will be home. I do plan on the SOS Saturday though. I am excited for that.

Well, I suppose that sums up the updates. More to follow.


Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hey Peeps,

Well, Tuesday I flew home to KS for almost two weeks. I am happy to be here. I really wanted to get away from Fayetteville for awhile. I needed to clear my head of all the things going on and I also thought being here away from the church situation would help me to have some clarity.

I am not a good flyer to put it mildly but for the most part my flights were ok. The flight from Charlotte to KS City was a bit hairy near the end and I nearly lost my cookies. I really thought that I would vomit. I had never been so happy to land.

On Wednesday I stuck close to home with Mom. We went to the grocery store but other than that didnt do much. I was glad though because I was so exhausted from not sleeping on Monday night. Even though I did sleep on Tuesday night I was still pretty tired yesterday.

Today I went and had lunch with my first grade neice, Kaelyn. We also went to recess together. I had so much fun. I enjoyed my time with her very much. After that I went to the preschool and had snack with my other neice, Carlee. That was also enjoyable. I got to take her home and so we had some alone time. We walked the dog together and then Missy and Kaelyn got home and we all went to dinner. We went to IHOP and it was awful. I ordered something I thought would be less bad than pancakes. I got roast beef but they had everything about my order all wrong. Not only did they mess up my order they got Carlees wrong and Missys too. In the end, we didnt pay for the meal. Not any of it. The management was really great about it. After dinner we took the chicks to Baskin Robbins. I got a scoop of coffee ice cream which was quite tasty. I had planned on running today but didnt. I am going to get up and do it tomorrow before we leave to go to the concert.

Tomorrow is the concert in KS City. We are seeing Leanne Womack, Reba and George Strait. It is going to be a good concert. If George sings, "you're something special to me" I might cry. That is me and Pauls song... We are going to stop in Topeka to see Lori on the way. I'm glad because it will likely be the only time I would get to see her while I am here.

I talked to Paul today. I had been missing him a lot. He called me though when I was in a place where it was hard for me to talk so it was hard to have a decent conversation. I think he thought that something was wrong but that wasnt the case. Its really hard to have conversations with him in public though.

Im really thinking of going to Puerto Rico for my birthday with my crossfit friends. Mom said she would help me out with some of the money as my birthday gift. It isnt that expensive anyhow with all the accomodations and flights included. It sure beats being all by myself again. I know Paul will think its ok so that isnt an issue. He isnt one of those guys who makes me or expects me to sit home all the time while he is deployed. Mostly because he trusts me and also because it isnt fair.

I heard lots of good things about ASI and I am so excited for Ali. Yah. I cant wait to be back in it. I am going to do only twice a week. With the run it just makes sense for one, I also have a gym membership for two, and the rates are higher than they were at DIF for three. I dont know if they will go down to the $80.00 if she has a military discount like John did or not... I think the new rates are sort of high though and even though I love crossfit and would love to come three days a week I dont think I can justify that price when I have a gym membership already.

Well, that is it for now. I am going to get to bed so I can try and get in at least a two mile run in the morning. If I end up not doing any running while I am gone I will have a lot to try and catch up on when I get home. As it is I think I will end up walking most of the half at this point... Bummed for sure but we'll see how it plays out in June.

Updates and photos from the concert later. Likely when I return to NC.

Chow for Now!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, its been a bit but I have taken longer hiatuses than this so I think we should all just count our little blessings. Since it is Easter anyhow. So, Happy Easter or Happy Passover. Whatever applies to you and yours. I hope you are finding your rest in the Lord today.

The last couple of weeks have sort of gone by quickly. Praise the Lord. I have had a lot on my mind with regard to my church and it hasnt been good. I am thinking of leaving... I am still praying about it so if anyone from my church reads this they can know that I have not yet made a final decision. I think there a tons of good intentions in my church but not a lot of follow through. I not only have issue with things on my end but with things on Pauls end. I have strong opinions on my churches role in Pauls spiritual growth, his emotional well being and etc an I feel a total disconnect with regard to him on that aspect... Pray for me if that is something that you do that I will be given the discernment to make the right decision.

Training for the run is going well. I am still not progressing at the point I would like to though. At this rate I doubt I will be running even 8 miles of the half in June. Right now I am struggling with three nonstop miles before my knees are hurting. I joined up at a gym again and am incorporating some elliptical and biking in with my running so hopefully I can get in the cardio while taking a load from my knees. Ive adjusted my goal to running at least 5 nonstop then walking a mile and running again a cycle of 10 minutes on and 2 minutes off till the finish unless it seems like I can go further than 5.

Today I ran out two miles and walked back one then ran in the last mile. I did this because yesterday we did a 5k so I didnt want to push it too much. I ran all of the run yesterday with the exception of the last hill. (Why are there always a long hill at the end of a race?) Anyhow, the run was in honor and in memory of John Velandra. It was a bittersweet day. Yesterday would've been his 44th birthday. I still miss him very much.

Tuesday I leave to go to moms. I am so excited to get out of here for awhile but also scared of what it does to my diet and fitness. I will need to be really diligent while I am gone. I am glad I have the marathon to keep me motivated to run. When I come back Ali will have A Star open and I can start back up with cross fit. I think I am only going to do twice a week until the marathon is over though. I like to run on Saturday and with grueling SOS on Saturday I know I wont run and with a marathon I pretty much need to run ya know. So anyhow, I am thinking either Tuesday and Thursday for CF or Wednesday and Friday.

The weather has gotten quite warm and the grass is growing and the weeds too. Last week I mowed and tomorrow I will do the same as well as weed the flower bed again. I am going to try and keep on top of it. When I get back from moms I am going to get the pool ready to open. I am thinking by May 15th I will open it but I also plan on rewarding myself with the beach if I get my run out of the way early on Saturdays.

Well thats it for now. I will update again later.

Stay safe.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Training updates

Sunday, March 21st was supposed to be a long run but I had to move things around. I ran two miles in 21:30.

Monday I did a home WOD from Ali. My time sucked but I did it.

Tuesday, March 23rd I ran two miles. My first mile I ran in ten minutes flat. The second mile took me 11:15. I did the home WOD as well.

Wednesday will be an off day with exception of a possible home WOD.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Hey Bloggies,

Whatdaya know, it hasnt been a month since I checked in. Could this be progress?

Things here have been moving right along. Some days slowly and other days I dont know where the day goes.

Finally I got the taxes done. We are getting a decent refund but just because Paul is deployed. Next year it ought to be ok as well since he will have been gone for most of this year as well. After that, who knows. I tell you though, you can sure see a difference without kiddo deductions.

Training for the half is going well. I am losing weight I can tell. I havent weighed myself but the shorts I bought before I started running again are almost at the verge of being too big. I am wearing a pair today but since the others (2 pair) still have tags I am taking them back to Penneys to exchange for a smaller size. Woohoo! Also, I was wearing smaller jeans last week that I previously couldnt fit in to. Yesterday I did tabata and it killed my quads. I am not a fast runner and my sprints honestly probably are not that fast but Lordy lordy was I hauling butt as fast as my little legs would go for those 30 seconds. It was all I could do to finish the mile of constant running afterward. I know though that this will increase our endurance. Tomorrow is another 4 mile run. We are running another park so hopefully the park is at least suitable for running. I should have checked it out but I figure if it turns out that we can only walk on the trails for whatever reason it is a bonus day of exercise and we will have to do our 4 miles on our own on Monday or Wednesday of the coming week.

The weather here is wonderful. I am going to meet Mallory downtown in a little bit to celebrate 30 weeks down in the deployment. We are closing in on the end. Not soon enough but its coming.

Paul is calling branch on Monday to see where they are going to put him after the deployment. If he can we are going to request a nondeployable assignment and hopefully he can ride out the last of his Army time in it. In a perfect world he gets promoted in August and doesnt deploy anymore.

We also need to put our house on the market. This is the worry I have over moving. Not being able to sell. I am going to call Vicci's daughter and see what she says and also the ladies who sold Brandon and Jens house because I also liked them very much. I am just really worried.

Well thats it for now. I will update after the run tomorrow.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Run today

4 miles. Ran with Kara C. We did it in 53 minutes alternating running and walking. 10 on and 2 off. Average pace of 13.25. Not too bad.

Me- was really tired with this run today and my knee was hurting (back part of it) after mile 2. Found out this is actually my hamstring. Will need to do more stretches.

Next run is on Tuesday.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

update and I am a liar

Ok, so I said I would be more faithful in the updates. I lied but I didn't mean to. I could give lots of excuses and all of them would be valid but I will spare you all the gore. LOL

So, as you can see from the date Paul is gone. He has been gone now for two weeks. I miss him more than I ever thought possible. Its funny how much I needed leave and also how hard it was for me to watch him go back. Thankfully, things are getting back to my preleave routine with the exception of crossfit (more on that in a bit)so that helps.

Crossfit is on a bit of a hiatus because DIF folded and Ali is opening her own place. It isnt finished yet because the bldg was new so she has had to start it from scratch. It is coming together and I know she hopes to be open within a couple of weeks. She is sending us workouts to do at home though. Some I have done, some I have not. I have been helping out at the new place with some of the cleaning and its good to get to help out. I dont have too much to do in the day time so I enjoy getting out. Also, I am enjoying getting to know Ali. She is a lot like me I am finding out which is probably one reason we work so well together. At anyrate I can hardly wait to be back in a group doing the workouts. I know its going to be more organized which is good. I also know that unless you can pay you arent going to be there which I also think is good. Too often at DIF there were free rides and they halfway did things, took time from the trainers and it wasnt fair to those of us who did pay.

My weight is good. I lost the few pounds I gained when Paul was home and I set myself some new goals to get to my personal goal. I think that is what was lacking with me. I needed another goal. Ali told me it is all about setting a goal and working to achieve it. I have thought of this often as well as the theory she uses on taste everything, eat nothing. It makes tons of sense. I have been makeing better choices lately. I even turned down Coldstone tomorrow! I will be doing a long run (4 miles so not too long) and even though I would have negated the calories its really counterproductive so I choose not to do it. My reward will be the size smaller pants I hope to buy by my birthday in June.

June is half marathon month! Kara and Ashley are going to do it with me. It is in Wilson and its called the Run One For the Road Half. It benefits domestic violence education so its for a great cause. The informations says its a fairly flat course and so thats good. I want to run more of this one so I am training like it. My training actually is consisting of more running. Go figure. Tomorrow we are doing 10 on 2 off for the four miles. Next week I think I may up the miles but not the interval. The week after that I think I will keep the mileage but up the interval.
Oh, on top of the half I have signed up for 3 5Ks in the next month. Whew!

I am super excited that in April I am going to KS City with my sisters to see King George in concert. He is also got Reba and Leann Womack. I plan on spending about 10 days with my mom and dad too. I have to make the time to train while I am there though which I hope doesnt become hard for me!

Well I think that about does it for now. I will update after my run tomorrow if for nothing else so that I have a place to log progress.

TTFN-the pic is when Paul was home on R&R! Arent we great together? I just adore him!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hey Bloggies-
Hoping that everything is going well in your parts! I am on half of Cloud 9. I say half because while I am trying to not dwell on the fact that Pauls leave is quickly ending it is very hard...

Paul got in on the 12th at around 7:30 am but he was unable to make it from Atlanta because of the impending winter storm which had all flights from Atlanta grounded. The next opportunity for him to fly in would be on the 13th at nearly 6:00 pm. I was crushed but after looking at the weather forecast decided to go on down to Atlanta and get him! I made it well before the weather but on the way home we had to stop for the night which was also just fine!

I showed up at the airport not looking the way I had wanted to after not seeing him for seven months but he could have cared less if I was in a sack. It was such a nice little reunion there in the lobby of one of the busiest airports in the country. He picked me up and spun me around. I am so glad I am smaller now as there really is nothing quite as nice as being able to be picked up by your guy.

When we left the airport we stopped and got some food since we knew we werent going to make it home then we checked into the Holiday Inn. I am fast forwarding to the next day seeing as how you can guess the hotel stuff...

On Saturday the drive home was not bad. The roads were fine and we made it home pretty fast. We spent the day relaxing, cuddling and more. Paul also used this day to get the dogs used to him again. Riley was very apprehensive at first. Molly was just Molly. She loves anyone who will pet her.

Sunday we packed for our trip to Gatlinburg and we also went to church. I cant tell you how nice it was that I had Paul next to me in the pew. I miss him so much all the time but it seems to be so much harder on Sundays...

Gatlinburg was so amazing. We had such a good time doing all the touristy things and we also shopped in some really unique places. We ate out a lot and I didnt pay close attention to it. I figure that I can relax some on vacation. I also know that he is going back in a couple weeks so I am not going to spend my time with him obsessing about food. We soaked in the hot tub with wine each night. So nice. The temps were in the teens but it was so great in the hot water. I loved it and have decided a hot tub beats pool any time. We were able to be a couple again and while Paul and I are by no means not connected we were able to fit right back into the comfortable couple we are when he isnt deployed. None of the weirdness so many others experience.

When we got home from our week in TN Paul told me he just wanted to do normal stuff like order pizza, rent movies, go bowling, walk the dogs, go to the gym... So, that is what we have been doing the last couple of days. Tomorrow we are going to dinner with our Pastor and his wife and then on Friday I am making us a modified Thanksgiving/ Christmas dinner since he didnt have a good one in Iraq. I couldnt find a small turkey or even a turkey breast so we are doing Cornish hens. We are also going to have buttered noodles, whole wheat of course and some green beans. I bought a can of Grands biscuits since I know he likes them. We arent preparing a dessert though. We are going to go out for a pastry and coffee at Starbucks so that I dont have to have that stuff in the house after he leaves on the 1st. Saturday we are going to go to crossfit, then if the weather is nice up to hike Raven Rock, cook on the grill and bowling in the evening. If we have bad weather the hike is off. We can always rent a movie or play Wii. Sunday is church, preparing his bags and then just spending that last night enjoying each others company. Le sigh:(

Well, thats it for now. Later I will post pics and then update after he goes back. I got some goals I want to put out publically...

Take care and be back soon!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


people are always asking me for weight loss pictures. I had them on the old blog and updated them monthly. For whatever reason when I began this one I stopped. Today at cross fit someone asked me for a picture of what I looked like before I lost the weight and so I thought I would post the the one that really inspired me to lose the weight. The one that made me see myself the way others saw me. Anyhow, ironically on the WW board there is a post on the challenge I am part of that talks about photos as well so here it is... the photo that started it all along with the most recent picture I have.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hellllooooo Bloggies!

OMG, I am updating again within less than two months:)
This last week has been so cool. Cross fit has been amazing and also Paul is on his way home so I am on cloud nine.

This last week in cross fit we worked on our max weights for the shoulder press and the dead lift. I was so proud of my weights. I maxed at 75 lb on the shoulder press and 150 on the dead lift. My goal for the shoulder press was at least 60 and I wanted to exceed my body weight on the dead lift. I exceeded both of my goals and was just thrilled. I cant get over how strong I am becoming due in part to cross fit. Ali is such a great coach too. John was wonderful but he never pushed me in the way that she does. She really makes me get out of my comfort zone. Love that.

Paul is currently in Kuwait. He left his FOB on Monday. I dont think he will be home until Friday but it could be Thursday depending on if he gets a flight right away out of Germany into Atlanta. He doesnt even leave Kuwait until 2:30 am Thursday morning our time. I am not sure what the flight time is to Germany from there but I know he has at least an 8 hour flight from Germany to Atlanta. I so hope his connecting flight into Fayetteville from Atlanta is fairly soon after he lands. I just cant wait to see him.

I got our romantico cabin all reserved. We are leaving for four days on Monday:) Gonna be so nice. I scored a great deal with my military discount. Only $79.00 per night. These cabins are amazing too. Full kitchens, jacuuzzi tubs for two, outdoor hottubs, and views that are just spectacular. When we get back and its all said and done I will post some photos on Facebook and a few here.

Speaking of facebook, why cant they just leave it alone? OMG, the new format is horrible. It is confusing and so not user friendly. I am a creature of habit. I like things the same day in and day out. From what I have read there arent many who like the new layout.

Monday I had a horrible food day but yesterday was excellent! Today is also going to be a good day. I had a blue monster this morning and am really loving it. I can also have some egg quiche but so far am not hungry so I may be able to wait until lunch. I am trying to keep fairly busy so that the time passes quickly. I need to run to the post office and do some housework but I want to make sure that things are pretty much in order when Paul gets in so I am putting it off until I know he is in the air coming from Germany. Besides, I hate cleaning.

I am thinking I will be able to make cross fit in the morning which is good. I hate to miss it since I know my workout, (real workouts. LOL) will be sparse when Paul is home.

Well that is about it for now. Guess I will go shower. Brave the wind and get to the post office.

Updates later on.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hey Bloggies, its update time

Ya ya ya, tis been awhile! I figured that since it is the first of a brand new month I would attempt to start off with a new post. My goal will be to update at least weekly but this month that may be a bit hard to do since Paul COMES HOME FOR R&R IN ONE WEEK! I am so thrilled to say the least. He is scheduled to leave Iraq the 8th so any prayers you want to lift up for him to have a safe journey would so be appreciated. We arent planning a bunch of things to do. He wants and so do I time to just reconnect. Being apart for over six months is hard and so quality time just chatting, and loving on each other is what is really important. We are going to go up to the mountains for four days and stay in a cabin. We planned a day hike in the Smokies while we are there. It is completely guided but we think it will be fun and romantic. It is catered and so we will have snacks and lunch which will consist of some cheeses, hard meats, crusty warm french bread, fruit, nuts and chocolate as well as sparkling cider. I think we will have a wonderful time. After the hike we are going to go back to the cabin, get cleaned up and go to dinner and then come back and soak in the outdoor hot tub. Tres romantic! Aside from that day we are just planning on doing some relaxing, sight seeing and and just chilling in the cabin. When we come back to Fayetteville we will be doing routine things like going to church, the movies, bowling and just hanging out. Sounds boring but its what we want to do and what we like to do. Paul is also going to come to my cross fit workouts with me. Yay!

So far so good with counting calories. My weight is solidly in the mid 140's now. I am so thrilled. I dont feel deprived and in fact there have been a couple of days I have not been able to even meet the calorie requirement. I have even switched back to r/f versions instead of ff versions of foods so that I can meet the calorie requirements and fat requirements per day which tickles me to no end. I hate ff things and so I often did without things like cheese because I hated them ff. Now that I am counting calories and doing SF/Core again I can reintroduce them back into my diet and they dont kill me. In fact they assist me in my weight loss efforts. I am still not eating a lot of grains. This is a personal choice for me. I do believe what John taught me about them. I find when I eat them a lot, even the healthy ones I feel sluggish and bloated. I dont discount some of the health benefits and I dont discount the fact that they create a satiety in people. For me though I have found that my body does so much better with less of them. If I want oatmeal for breakfast I have it but I then try to limit the rest of my grains during the day because I end up feeling really icky if I eat more later on. I often wonder if I have some sort of an intolerance like some people do to dairy? The other day I made pumpkin lasagna. I used whole wheat pasta. That evening I ate it for dinner. Earlier in the day I had a bowl of cereal, (shredded wheat) for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch. My bread was whole wheat. That night, actually before dinner my gut was killing me. After dinner it was even worse. Looking over food journals I see this pattern with grains... If anyone has any feedback I would surely appreciate it.

The weather here has been hot/cold. We had gorgeous weather a week ago. In the 60's. Then, Friday it was 30 and on Saturday we got an ice storm which shut down everything in the town. I havent been out of the house since Friday afternoon. I am going to the movies today though with a friend and her little girl. I have to get out or I will go mad. This next week is busy busy busy for me. I have lots of activity to help with the time passing. Tomorrow I have a sushi lunch date, Wednesday I am painting the walls in the house that need touched up and hopefully getting my DL. Thursday is lunch at Subway with a friend and then hair appts, Friday is the Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan concert with a couple of girlfriends and Saturday is the race and baby shower for Ashley. Of course Sunday is church and then Monday should be Pauls day to fly out:) It takes about four days travel so God willing he will be home Thursday or at the latest Friday the 12th! Woohoo!

Thats all for now!

Friday, January 22, 2010

I gotta feeling

that this is it for me! I think I may have hit the jackpot on what works for me as far as losing/keeping off weight. What is this magical trick you ask? Well, its counting calories and keeping fat down to a reasonable level. It works well with WW but I found that if I count points I am starving. Lets face it, on 20 points I am not getting enough food. So, I went back to Core which I love love love but I was not really losing since I have what I like to call portion distortion. Actually I think this is a WW term. Anyhow, I started weighing and measuring things like meats and grains again and have seen the scale budge. I upped my veggies quite a bit and I also looked up how many calories I should be taking in to LOSE weight with my activity level and age. Its right around 1500. Now, to compare this to points I got out an old food journal where I was given 21 points and I looked up all the calories for three days. Whoa, I was eating a measly 1000 calories per day or thereabout. Now, of course this is going to cause me to lose initially which it did but what happened later when I hit goal and was able to supposedly raise my calories to maintain my weight was that I gained and then I held on to every single pound. This is not a good thing to severly deprive yourself of calories. So, I now have been trying to get in 1400/1500 calories of clean food a day. I feel lighter and people are noticing. I havent weighed in yet but on Tuesday I will see if the last two weeks have rewarded me with my new behavior. The 130's are within my reach if I can stay true to doing what I know is right.

The last two crossfits have been so hard. I was smoked each time. I loved it. I missed John so much though. Its strange that he isnt there. Ali is so great though. She is a good trainer and she too cares about seeing you succeed so I think it is just going to come down to being used to the Tuesdays and Thursdays NOT being JV's groups. I think about John a lot. I thought about him at the grocery store the other day when I was going to buy Captain Crunch. LOL. He hated the fact that I love cold cereal. IN the end, I didnt buy it.

Paul should begin his journey home for R&R in about 2 weeks. I miss him so much. This deployment has been the worst separation we have ever had for me. He is ready for the break too. He has been discouraged a bit and so hopefully when he comes home and gets recharged he can go back and take on the second half of the deployment with a fresh attitude so that it isnt so grinding for him.

Hopefully in the fall he will finally be promoted. I dont want to go into this right now because the army has totally pissed me off on this delay. Acutally, it isnt the Army's fault, its his units fault. Specifically his S1 but what do they care since it isnt their job. At least his SCO and CSM were really working hard to ensure that he got promoted or I would have been even more pissed off.

well, I suppose thats it in a nutshell for now. I am taking it easy today. Maybe I will stay in jammies all day or maybe I will head to the outlet mall in Smithfield... I dont know yet.

Updates come again on weigh in day! TTFN

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Final Farewell to Our Friend

Hey Bloggies~

Hoping that this finds you all well. I am doing better than I was the other day with regard to John. As morbid as this may sound I needed the funeral yesterday because I felt like I was in a state of suspension prior to it...

Let me tell you about the day if you will… Well first,myself and some of the other ladies met for coffee where we reminisced a bit about our John and then we gathered ourselves and went to Manna Church for the viewing/funeral. When we got to Manna there was about 45 minutes left in the viewing. We were fortunate that when we got there the line wasn’t too terribly long so we were able to greet Niv and Tony. Niv was amazing. She had such grace and poise and in the midst of her grief was comforting so many of Johns friends who were grieving. Tony looked really sharp in his sheriffs uniform. John was so proud of him and I was so glad that he was alive to see him graduate from the academy. Johns casket was open and I was so afraid to see him laying there. Up until that moment that I did see him in there I kept thinking this was all not real and that he was going to jump up and do his, “whoooohooooo!” I know that isn’t the case. He is gone. Forever. We will never see him again at cross fit or Designs In Fitness. He didn’t look like our John. We could see the cakey makeup and he just looked hollow. I suppose that is fitting because I know that it was only his shell that was in that casket. Niv told me and everyone else to forget what we saw in the casket because our John is what we have in our memories. She told me that John was really proud of us. She said what I needed to hear and in her grief she blessed me. John was buried in a CFCF t-shirt, his cross fit baseball cap was in the casket with him and although we couldnt see them I'm sure his super short green shorts. Totally fitting. Ali and a few other people gave wonderful eulogies. In Ali's grief she memorialized John in a way that those who barely knew him knew of his passion and his kindness. She did a great job and I know she will continue to build Johns business in the way he would want it. I was particularly touched by Tony’s eulogy because he talked about what a wonderful step-father John was to him among other things. It made me respect and love John even more to know he was a good step-father.
The ministers at Manna gave a great message and the choir sings beautifully. They sang, Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone and it was so incredibly good. John was part of Manna’s choir and from what I heard he was a great singer with a powerful baritone voice. Anyhow, after the service we went to the cemetery with the processional and John had some military honors. They played taps and gave Niv the flag. According to the funeral program John was part of 3rd group here at Bragg. I always figured he would have been high speed. When the graveside service was over all the cross fitters did one last burpee for the big guy. It was so great and Niv and Tony were so tickled and touched by it. I am posting the pictures of us doing it.
After we left the ceremony we went to IHOP for lunch. There was about a dozen or a bit more of us and we had such a good time talking and sharing our memories of John. We talked about how proud he was of us and that he really did celebrate our accomplishments. He was so funny and so genuine. I am going to really miss him. There was nothing inappropriate in this but I loved him. He was a good guy and he did so much for me in that he helped me believe I could do anything I set my mind to. I pushed myself harder physically than I ever have in part because of him. Anyhow, I hope that I can continue to do him proud. He deserves nothing less.

When I got home from IHOP I changed my clothes into sweats and then went to Food Lion and got some produce. At 6:00 I made myself some stir-fry with crabmeat and then had a vita top with cream on it. I made good choices yesterday which is a huge victory for me because when I am down I usually feed my face. That evening though I fought the urge to eat just to eat. I won though and in the end made myself some hot cocoa and told myself that it is counterproductive to the results I desire to feed my face for any reason other than hunger. Yay! John would have been so proud of me. I bet he is smiling down on me now but thinking that instead of cocoa I should have done some thrusters or burpees:)

Goodbye John. I know you are in a wonderful place and I am so blessed to have known you. You touched my life and forever changed me. I will miss you very much. <3 you~

Friday, January 8, 2010

Death of a Wonderful Human Being

Hey Bloggies,
As I type this entry I do so with a heavy heart. My trainer, friend, and all around good guy, John Velandra was killed when his car was struck by a stolen truck during a high speed chase on Wednesday. I cant even begin to tell you how much John affected my life in only the 7 short months I have known him. I can honestly say that I loved the man. His compassion, energy, passion for his calling and his genuine concern for everyone made him stand out to everyone. He had this way of motivating and inspiring you to want to be better and he did this without belittling you or making you feel like your progress was going too slow. John knew my struggles with my weight and he hated that I stressed so much over the number on a scale but he tried to help me in reaching my goals and never once made me feel like I was a loser even though he didnt often agree with my beliefs on that matter.
John was truly a stellar human being and I will miss him. His death has affected me more than I ever thought possible. As I type this I find myself once again tearing up and wonder when the pain from his passing will subside enough that when I hear his name, walk into DIF or do a workout I wont start to fall apart.
This world lost a bright star on Wednesday and I lost a friend who I will always miss.