Thursday, April 29, 2010

I am becoming a runner

Hey Bloggies,

Sorry I have been MIA since I last put pics on from the concert but I have been trying to get back into the swing of things since getting home. I cant tell you how hard it is when you are away from your routine for so long. Finally though, I seem to be settling back into my groove here in the Ville.

I have been running more and more and I am getting so much better and faster. I am finding that I am also really enjoying it. I like putting on my headphones and getting out there. When I first started to even jog and made it one mile I shuffled and it took me 15 minutes for one mile. LOL. Now, I can walk that fast. Anyhow, today I ran two miles in 22 minutes! I am shooting for a 20 minute 2 miles for my short term goal. Long term is to run a 10k. Hopefully that wont be too long term though. I am shooting for being able to do that by end of summer.

I started back to crossfit too. I love Ali's new place. I love the fact that it is an actual box and not a church hallway. So far I have had four workouts there and I have had my hiney handed to me each time. Today was killer. We did 2x each of 400 meter farmers carry with 15lb and 2x each 10 lb waiters carry. In between each of those were 10 situps, 5 push ups and 10 hollow rocks. We had a warm up of 250 meter row sprint and then a cashout of 50 situps and anothe 250 meter sprint on the rower. My traps are killing me from the waiters carry but I never dropped the weight the entire time.

Foodwise I am doing pretty well. I am trying to make good choices and also trying to not beat myself up when I dont. I want to change for the long term so it is unreasonable for me to think that I will always eat perfectly. Life is for living so I am trying to live and live well. I want to incorporate the ideas from Ali and John as well as some of the WW ideals that I love. Some of the paleo ideas I even like. I think there are so many good things about all of them. I just cant be caught up in one way of eating because that is when I get discouraged. I want to fuel my body with nutritious foods and have an occasional treat. I am learning though that there are certain foods that I respond to better than others which is why I have severly limited grains. That isnt to say I dont eat them ever but I dont eat them often. Not for any other reason than I dont like the way they make me feel in my belly.

I stopped going to my church. It made me sad but I wasnt happy. I went to another church last week but I wont go back because it was an all black church and I wasnt comfortable. I will keep looking. I am meeting with Glenda however on Monday to discuss my feeling with the Wesleyan church. I doubt I will go back but I suppose I should at least meet with her. I like Glenda very much so she deserves that.

Pauls deployment is 2/3 over. Yeah! We have three months left. I miss him so very much. I cant begin to describe the sadness I have when he isnt with me. Each day without him is just awful. I will be so happy to have him home for good. He is ready to be over with it too. He really misses me too. I am so lucky to have a man who loves me so much. I see the other wives whose husbands arent so attentive and loving and I appreciate my Paulie all the more. He is so wonderful. What I ever did to deserve such a kind man is beyond me.

June is Puerto Rico month. I got the go ahead from my hunny to go with my cross fit girlfriends to San Juan. I am excited. Meg, Kara and Vicci and me. It will be fun. We are just going to be laying on the beach soaking in the sun. It will be a great way to pass a weeks worth of time. I love having things to look forward to because it just makes it closer to when my baby gets home.

Well thats it for now. I will try to update soon.

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